Thank you so much Betty for nominated me for the Liebster Award. You can visit her blog here
The Rules:
1. Thank the blog that nominated you, follow them if you'd like, and link them.
2. Post eleven facts about yourself.
3. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven question set for the next group of nominees.
4. Choose five to eleven people to nominate and link them on the post.
5. Let your nominees know they've been tagged - and no tag backs!
6. Nominate blogs with under 200 followers.
Betty's questions to me
1. Favourite thing about Christmas?
I love Christmas because it's family time :)
2. If you had to only eat one food/dish forever what would it be?
Chinese sweat&sour chicken
3. Winter or Summer?
Summer. Love holidays, sun and beach :)
4. Your essential blogging tip for others?
Be yourself, and write what your heart wants to write :)
5. If you were an animal which would it be & why?
Panda :)) looks so cute and you can take in hands like a baby :))))
6. Describe yourself in 3 words
funny, friendly, crazy
7. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs :) I would love to have a dog..
8. Celebrity male crush?
em, i don't have crush on any make celebrity :)
9. Why did you start blogging?
It's my space to share my thought with people who are thinking the same way :)
10. What makes you smile most?
shopping :))
11. Best advise you've been given?
Be yourself ;)
11 Facts About Me ;)
1) I am from Lithuania
2) I am 27
3) I like to travel
4) I am married
5) I love read books
6) I am allergic to cats
7) I have two brothers and two sisters
8) I have been in Pakistan
9) I would like to go to Mexico
10) I don't have kids :)
11) I am not smoking :)
1) What is your favourite movie?
2) What made you to start blogging?
3) What is your favourite blog to read?
4) Your favourite food?
5) Summer or winter?
6) Early mornings or late nights?
7) What's make you happy?
8) Your hobby?
9) Favourite song?
10) What are you doing in your life apart blogging?
11) Describe yourself in 3 words
Ruta xx