Some people says/thinks that it would be better that my daughter wouldn't survive. Some people says/thinks that she is not improving then what's a point of therapies. Some thinks me and my husband doing nothing to improve her life. But you know what? You can think whatsoever you want. You are not living with us. You are not wearing my shoes and you don't know how we are living and what we are doing. It's easy to talk. And you can just talk. Just don't forget to appreciate your life. Because I do. Because I have HER. She makes me stronger, fighter. Because she is strong, she is a fighter (even for you she is a disable child, vegetable).
So many people said to me - you are so strong, you are my example. But just only one knows how I am feeling. How weak I am.. There was no single week without cry, emotional fight. And I am lucky to have my husband next to my side. I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to our daughter. We are going through this together. There was, are and will be so many tears, cries, angriness. Again some will think ''she is feeling bad about her life''. And again you are wrong. I am feeling bad because of my daughter's future. I had so many plans and wishes for her. Sometimes I am thinking why we are fighting for it. But thanks God as fast this thought comes in my head, the same fast it disappears.
And today is one of the day that I am feeling upset. You was so perfect, still you are to me. But your life should be different, more easier. I love you my baby girl. I always will... And to people who thinks different way then you can F**k yourself....
Don't get me wrong.. There are so many people, who supports us. And I am appreciate that. But unfortunately not so many of them are like this. And even now.. You are reading this because either you are nosy and just ''oh let's see what she will say'' OR reading because you are truly care how my family is doing. If you care you can support us, share my story or donate. Sometimes is more than enough to say one word to make someone feel better...
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