
Sunny day in Pakistan

 Hello, hello to everyone,

as you know I am in Pakistan at this moment. I arrived here three days ago. Here is warmer than in England, but looks different. And I will tell you why. First thing because houses made to be cold (because of summer season), and second thing here is no heating at home. So people sitting at home with more than one pair of trousers or socks :) at first day it was very difficult for me. I couldn't bear this cold. I spend all day in the bed under blanket. And even came in my mind that I made the biggest mistake to come here in winter time. But yesterday I was feeling a bit better. And today is really good day, sunny day. At home still is cold, but we went to sit on the roof and to enjoy sun. Even my nose became a little bit pink of sun (I don't think so that I can get tan, because not enough hot). I am sharing of some pics from today :) enjoyment on the roof and pictures of neighbours ;)

All houses are grey :) they are painting houses, but they are using colourful cars and clothes :) 
Drinking asian tea (chai) 

Have a nice day everyone 

Ruta xx

1 comment:

  1. wow so beautiful

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